
上個星期六正式開始上課了 這個學期修了八個學分
全部都在星期六上課 從早上八點一路上到下午的五點半
平常上班都還沒有這麼早起床 又改不了星期五晚上提前休息的習慣

很久很久沒有當學生的感覺 突然發現課本早就已經不是我的好朋友了
這是文藻第一屆的碩士在職專班 所以自然要求還算蠻嚴格的
對我來說 看著密密麻麻的原文書    真的非常的不習慣
更別說「當代傳播研究」這門科目的教授幾乎是用英文上課 報告也是要用英文了
每個星期都有不同的科目報告要交   Cool.....

今天就準備了一個英文的報告 內容是當代傳播理論當中的Crtital Theory

                                           Contemporary Communication Research
                                                Mass Culture: Horkheimer, Adorno
         The title of the chapter is “ Mass culture”, the first part is talk about the social back ground: After the Great War, for over three centuries people had migrated form Europe to America. They left the old world to escape from religious and political persecution, but later in the 19th century, mass migrations from Europe were more by economic factors.  Marx was the first and greatest analyst of social modernization.  After that, an Institute for Social Research set up in Frankfurt took the social question to be that of the economic and political fate of the masses.
       Max Horkheimer who first used the term “Critical Theory” in 1941. Critical theory indicated a shared critical attitude to contemporary social life, in “ Dialectic of Enlightenment” written by Adorno and Horkheimer pointed out one basic concept: the culture industry, enlightenment as mass deception. During the 18th century, the individual freedom can’t be dominated by any externally effects of the others.  However, Horkneimer and Adorno were against this concept.  They thought self-interest became transformed into instrumental reason, which manipulate by culture industry.  Adorno and Horkheimer were effected by some of the concepts: Karl Marx’s concept of alienation and commodity fetishism, Max Weber’s concept of instrumental reason and Georg Lukacs’s concept of the reification of consciousness.

      Karl Marx focused on the nature of labor under factory capitalism, he thought that the social relations were turn into relationships between things, and this displaces and devalues human social life.

     Two central concerns in the sociology of Max Weber were the growing rationalization of society and the corresponding disenchantment of the world.  The aim of the capitalist business is the maximization of profit, for that purpose, the modern bureaucracy that depends on a rationally calculated division of labor is necessary. However, individuals became monitored by system and losing their characteristics.

      Lukacs combined the ideas of Marx and Weber, and push those to the whole aspects of modern societies.  He offers an example of the reification of consciousness: a modern journalist writes is not self-expression, he must suppresses his won opinions and attitudes for achieving objectivity in his writing.

      Adorno and Horkheimer extended those concepts, they criticized art and culture have been destroyed by the techniques and methods of industrial mass production.  The mass production, such us newspapers, radio, cinema, magazines and the music industry are geared to the manufacture of a uniform and repeatable product.

      From my point of view, Enlighten Spirit should be focus on knowing, to let people get more information.  At this time, I don’t think any media nowadays can control all information.  For individual person in culture industry, they still can learn how to choose what they want, not just accept everything.  From the experience of my job, even though the DJ play lots of POP songs on the air, and of course some of the song lists are controlled by  commercial factors, at that time, maybe you can call it “Mass Deception”, but actually not all the audience influenced.  People still has its won taste and judgment.  Of course the media will transmit the wrong information by some means and ends, but we can’t disavow and ignore the positive aspect.  At the Film” The Devil Wears Prada”, at the end, the young assistant Andrea decided to find her human nature back, even though that’s a job “a million girls would die for.” I think not all the people will follow the value of Mass Culture blindly.

發現自己並沒有處理的很好    今天報告的有點心虛

不過每個課程真的很精采 只是壓力很大就是了
有很多的英文paper要看     看來每天不花點時間唸唸書

現在當學生比以前幸福多了 老師都會準備精美的PowerPoint
不過重點是 你得要自己花時間上去學習才行
而且研究所跟大學不同在於 不完全是教授在上課
很多都是學生自己的discussion  沒事先準備  課堂上學生也不多
躲都躲不掉  就是一個糗.......


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